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Dogs + Medical Conditions

  • Degenerative Disc Disease in Dogs

    La médula espinal es uno de los órganos más importantes y sensibles del cuerpo. Si sufre una lesión, las células nerviosas no se regeneran y serán reemplazadas por tejido fibroso o cicatricial. Las lesiones de la médula espinal normalmente resultan en un daño permanente e irreversible. Para protegerse de cualquier lesión, la médula espinal discurre a través de un canal óseo, de forma que está protegido por hueso en todo su recorrido excepto en aquellos puntos donde se unan las vértebras. Estas uniones están rellenas de una especie de cojines de goma llamados discos intervertebrales. La disposición de las vértebras de forma individual y los discos intervertebrales van a permitir los movimientos de la espalda sin que los huesos entren en contacto con la médula espinal. Esta protección extrema de la médula espinal refleja su importancia y su fragilidad.

  • Dental Disease in Dogs

    El periodontio es la estructura que rodea al diente e incluye la encía, el hueso alveolar y el ligamento periodontal. Estas estructuras pueden alterarse y ser incapaces de dar soporte al diente que puede estar sano en sí mismo. La enfermedad periodontal se define como la alteración del periodontio.

  • Prostatic Disease in Dogs

    La próstata es una glándula localizada cerca del cuello de la vejiga urinaria de los machos. La uretra pasa a través de ella justo a la salida la vejiga. Su función consiste en producir algunos fluidos que forman parte del semen canino.

  • Epileptic seizures in pets are a diagnosis of exclusion and may be found in any dog but there may be some breed predispositions that are more common. The cause is often unknown. A variety of medications are available to help control the seizure activity if an underlying cause is not found.

  • Pain Management for Dogs

    El control y evaluación del dolor son muy importantes incluso cuando el perro sufre procesos relativamente rutinarios como una castración. El control del dolor se incorpora rutinariamente en todo aquel tratamiento que pueda resultar doloroso.

  • Evan’s syndrome is the term used when a pet has both immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) and immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (ITP). With this condition, the body destroys its own red blood cells and platelets. Prognosis is variable and depends on the underlying cause and the pet’s general condition at the time of diagnosis. Relapses are common.

  • The pancreas is an organ near the stomach and small intestine that produces enzymes needed for digestion, as well as hormones such as insulin that regulate blood sugar levels. Dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) are unable to digest nutrients in their diet properly, resulting in maldigestion, weight loss, and abnormal feces than can appear unusually pale and fatty. The disease can be congenital, genetic (such as in German shepherds), or acquired through pancreatic damage. Prognosis is good with treatment, although rarely diabetes is associated with the condition.

  • Epiphora or excessive tearing from the eyes can be a sign of tear duct blockage or more serious eye problems. Clinical signs include dampness beneath the eyes, reddish-brown staining of the fur beneath the eyes, odor, skin irritation, and skin infection. The facial anatomy of brachycephalic breeds may play a role in this condition. Treatment may include flushing of the nasolacrimal duct, or surgery to open the lacrimal puncta. The prognosis is variable and dependent on whether the underlying cause can be found and treated.

  • Ectropion, or outward rolling of the eyelid, can cause problems such as recurring conjunctivitis and drying out of the cornea. The clinical signs are a "sagging" or outward-rolling lower eyelid, although ectropion can affect any of the eyelids. A thick mucoid discharge often accumulates along the eyelid margin. Diagnosis is usually made on physical examination. Testing for hypothyroidism and for antibodies against certain muscle fibers may be done if looking for underlying causes. The treatment for mild ectropion generally consists of medical therapy; if the condition is severe, surgical correction can be performed to shorten the eyelids.

  • Entropion, or rolling in of the eyelids, is seen in many breeds and is considered a hereditary disorder. Most dogs will squint, hold the eye shut, and tear excessively (epiphora), though some patients will develop a mucoid discharge. Entropion can cause additional eye problems, such as corneal ulcers, perforations, or development of pigment on the cornea interfering with vision and chronically irritating to the dog. Entropion is corrected with surgery.