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Dogs + Medical Conditions

  • Leaky gut syndrome refers to an increase in the permeability of the intestines. This condition may be caused by any significant insult to the intestines. Acute cases of leaky gut may be caused by infection, trauma, toxins, or medication overdoses. Chronic cases, in contrast, may be caused by food allergies, long-term NSAID use, or other causes. Your veterinarian will perform diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause of your dog’s intestinal disease and treatments will be targeted at the specific underlying disease that is causing your dog’s leaky gut.

  • Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a protozoan parasite transmitted by sandflies and is most commonly seen in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and South and Central America. It has been reported in some parts of the United States. Clinical signs include hard skin nodules, weakness, decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and more. Diagnosis is based on travel history, clinical signs, and diagnostic testing. The goal of treatment is to resolve clinical signs. Prognosis is guarded to grave depending on the severity of the disease.

  • Leishmaniasis in Dogs

    Es una enfermedad causada por un parásito unicelular que afecta a los mamíferos en muchas partes del mundo y que está extendida por todos los países de la cuenca del Mediterráneo. Hay que tener en cuenta que la enfermedad también puede afectar a las personas, pero no existe una transmisión directa del perro al hombre o viceversa. Se transmite por la picadura de un pequeño mosquito (Phlebotomus spp).

  • This handout discusses lens luxation in dogs. The lens is the transparent structure within the eye that focuses light on the retina. Lens luxation is when the support ligaments of the lens weaken or break, causing the lens to dislocate from its normal position. The various types, clinical signs, heredity of the condition, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are outlined.

  • Lenticular sclerosis is the term for a bluish, transparent haze that develops in the lens of the eye in middle-aged to senior dogs. Vision does not appear to be significantly affected. While the exact mechanism is poorly understood, it appears that the lens gradually becomes denser or harder with age. There is no specific treatment for lenticular sclerosis, nor is treatment necessary.

  • Lick granuloma in dogs, also known as acral lick dermatitis, is a condition manifested as chronic licking of an area of skin, usually on the forelimbs. This condition is thought to be both physical and psychological in nature. While the condition can be frustrating to get under control, most cases of lick granulomas can be successfully treated if the owner is willing to pursue extended tests and treatments.

  • Dogs can have hearing loss due to increasing age or chronic ear infections, or they may be born with a defect. Deafness in dogs can present some challenges, but overall they can have healthy, normal lives. Training is still possible by making some modifications and incorporating hand signals. It is important to take their deafness into account when considering their safety and ensure that they are never off leash on or near a street.

  • Internal Parasites in Dogs

    En general, hay dos tipos de parásitos internos que afectan al perro. En primer lugar están los nematodos o gusanos redondos, de los cuales Toxocara canis (el gusano redondo intestinal más común) y Diarofilaria immitis (el gusano cardiaco) son los principales ejemplos. En segundo lugar tenemos los cestodos o gusanos planos, de los cuales Dipylidium caninum y las especies Taenia y Echinococcus son ejemplos importantes.

  • Lumbosacral disease, or cauda equina syndrome, is caused by the narrowing of the spinal canal and results in compression of the spinal nerve roots; pressure on the nerves that exit the spine cause the clinical signs. This pressure may be due to a narrowed spinal canal caused by arthritis, intervertebral disc herniation, an infection in the disc, trauma, congenital malformation, or a spinal tumor. Dogs with lumbosacral disease are in pain. If the clinical signs and radiographs suggest lumbosacral disease, advanced imaging such as MRI or CT is recommended to make a diagnosis. Treatment involves either conservative medical treatment or surgical intervention.

  • Hip Dislocation and Postoperative Care in Cats

    La cadera es una articulación sencilla compuesta por una bola y un cuenco, que puede realizar una gran cantidad de movimientos en todas las direcciones y su función es permitir un adecuado movimiento de las extremidades posteriores.