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  • Vaccinations are important to prevent serious illness in cats. Even cats that spend all their time indoors should be vaccinated. Some viruses can be carried into your home on inanimate objects such as shoes and clothing, therefore infecting your cat without her coming into contact with another animal. Your veterinarian is your most important resource in determining what vaccinations you need to give your cat to keep her protected.

  • Vaccinations are important to prevent serious illness in dogs. Even dogs that spend all their time indoors should be vaccinated. Some viruses can be carried into your home on inanimate objects such as shoes and clothing, therefore infecting your dog without him coming into contact with another animal. Your veterinarian is your most important resource in determining what vaccinations you need to give your dog to keep him protected.

  • Whipworm Infections in Dogs

    Los gusanos látigo son parásitos intestinales de una longitud aproximada de 6 mm (1/4 inch). Viven en el ciego y el colon (intestino grueso) de los perros donde provocan irritación en el revestimiento de estos órganos. Los gusanos látigo provocan diarrea acuosa y sanguinolenta, pérdida de peso y debilidad generalizada. Son uno de los gusanos más patogénicos en perros.

  • Tapeworm Infection in Cats

    Los gusanos planos son parásitos intestinales de los perros y los gatos. Forman parte del grupo de los cestodos. Pertenecen a una familia diferente de la de los gusanos gancho y gusanos redondos, que son otros gusanos intestinales comunes en perros y gatos. Hay diferentes tipos de gusanos redondos infectivos en gatos. El más común de todos con diferencia es el Dipylidium caninum.

  • Tapeworm Infection in Dogs

    ¿Qué son los gusanos planos? Los gusanos planos son gusanos intestinales que están compuestos por pequeños segmentos, cada uno aproximadamente 3-5 mm (1/4 – ½ ) de largo. A diferencia de los gusanos redondos que viven libremente en el tracto gastrointestinal, los gusanos planos se adhieren a la pared del intestino delgado usando sus partes bucales.

  • Roundworm Infection in Cats

    Los gusanos redondos son uno de los parásitos intestinales más comunes en gatos. En gatitos, pueden llegar a provocar enfermedad grave, incluso la muerte. Cómo su nombre indica, son unos gusanos redondos y alargados, con una longitud media de 8–15 cm (3–6).

  • Parvovirus in Dogs

    La infección por parvovirus canino es una enfermedad relativamente moderna que apareció por primera vez en 1978. Debido a la gravedad del proceso y su rápida propagación en la población canina, la parvovirosis constituye un problema de interés público.

  • There are four major infectious diseases seen in pet rabbits: myxomatosis, rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD), encephalitozoonosis, and pasteurellosis. This handout discusses the causes, signs, and treatments for these diseases. Be sure to have your rabbit checked annually by a veterinarian to keep them as healthy as possible and minimize problems.

  • Infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) is a viral infection caused by a member of the adenovirus family. Young dogs are at the highest risk of contracting this virus and signs of disease usually occur within two to five days after exposure. In severe cases, usually in young puppies, along with the fever, depression, and loss of appetite, there is abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, edema (fluid swelling under the skin) of the head and neck, and possibly jaundice. Such cases are often fatal. Treatment is aimed at reducing symptoms and giving time for the dog's immune system to respond, including hospitalization, intravenous fluids, and medications. Vaccination has been very successful at reducing the prevalence of this disease.

  • Infertility in a queen (an intact female cat) is defined as the inability to give birth to live kittens, despite appropriate breeding with a fertile male. This handout provides an outline of common causes of infertility along with how they are diagnosed and, when possible, treated.